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Pepper in Dino vs Dog.jpg

Playful Pooch


Fact File


Species: Canis lupus familiaris

Size: 1.4 feet long, 8 inches tall

Weapons: Teeth, claws, speed

Weaknesses: Has trouble staying focused

Favorite hobbies: Fighting anyone

Special skills: Extraordinary jumper

Pet peeves: Nothing, this guy just loves everything


What this small dog lacks in size he makes up for in energy and fighting spirit. Playful, bouncy, and easily distracted, Pepper is more than willing to horse around with anyone or anything that approaches him—even a bloodthirsty, yet unusually small, Tyrannosaurus Rex. Pepper knows no fear, and one of these days it's bound to get him into trouble.


Dino vs Dog screenshot.jpg

Dino VS Dog (2017)



  • Pepper belongs to the very same world where stuffed animals fight for survival against his fellow dog, Ginger.

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