No Budget Films
Welcome to the home of No Budget Films
No Budget Films, known to YouTube as GreatNate98, is a homegrown production studio created by Nathan Nguyen—aka me—back in 2010 when I was only in 7th grade.
As a kid I was always interested in movies, especially monster movies. And the way these things are put together always intrigued me greatly. So naturally, it was only a matter of time before I started making my own, experimenting with whatever I had to see what was possible, and we've been working from there ever since.
No Budget Films, as the name suggests, is a company founded in resourcefulness. We believe anyone can make a movie, for any cost. Whether you're working with millions and millions of dollars, or no budget at all.
Please bear with us as we slowly but surely get the website updated!
Latest Site Updates:
Heroes page and Villains page merged (5/23/22)
Contact page updated (5/24/22)
Gallery page updated to new format (5/24/22)
Helpful Websites page updated (5/25/22)
Criminal Scum's fact file filled out (6/18/23)
2020 Films page added, entry for Slugman written (6/18/23)